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Relax with Sedation Dentistry

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Many people experience anxiety when they visit a dental office. The thought of sitting in a dental chair may make them nervous, or even afraid. Some people will avoid going to the dentist unless there is no other choice. Are you one of these people? Set your fears aside! At our dental office, we offer sedation dentistry for those, like you, who suffer from dental anxiety.

Sedation dentistry is the use of medication to help patients relax before and during dental treatment. You will remain awake during your appointment, but you will be comfortable and calm. You may not even remember much of your appointment.

Nitrous oxide, which is also known as laughing gas, is a popular type of sedation dentistry. When you visit our office, you will breathe nitrous oxide combined with oxygen through a mask that is placed over your nose. This will relax you. Dr. John Hobgood can control the amount of nitrous oxide you receive. The gas will wear off quickly once your treatment is done, so you will be able to drive yourself home.

Let our dentist and team know if you have dental fears. We’d like to help! Contact Algiers Dental Associates today to learn more about sedation dentistry in New Orleans, Louisiana, and to schedule your next visit.